Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Pretend to Pay Attention and Get Good Grades

You ever wanted to be one of those kids who never pay attention in class, but some how got straight A's? Are you sitting there thinking you act all intelligent and your grades are low? This article will explain how to be smart and weird!


  1. Find a smart kid. and invite them into your group. Don't be a jerk and use them but you'll see just hanging around them will boost your IQ.
  2. Use your cell phone. Keep your notes and homework assignments in the memo feature. This way you can be/look weird but, actually smart when you always somehow know your assignments when you don't do anything in class or write down homework. If someone ask you what you are doing, tell me something weird like you're sending a text message to yourself.
  3. Bring a recorder to school. Sit in the middle row so that way you can get good sound ,but look like you are not going to pay attention because your not in the front row. By using that recorder (maybe you can put it on your MP3/IPOD) you are still an idiot by not reading and not doing your homework and listening to music instead but you are actually smart for doing some kind of studying.
  4. Keep a magazine in your text book. Read one page of the magazine and one page of the textbook. When someone asks you what your doing, you'll end up saying something about the magazine like "Pikachu is able to do thunderbolt because the electrons in its cheeks generate heat energy." Or something.
  5. Study at home. If you study at home, you'll be ready for your next test and get an excellent grade on it. Studying at home rather than at school will keep everyone thinking you never pay attention and class.
  6. Cheat. Only use this method as a last resort. If you really don't know what the answer is on a test, cheat on someone who will know the answer. Use any method to cheat that your teacher won't notice.


  • Be smart.
  • After class ask the teacher for a copy of the notes.
  • Bring a notebook to class so you can draw and write notes at the same time.


  • Its always better to be smart.
  • Don't get caught cheating.

Things You'll Need

  • Recorder
  • Magazine
  • Cellphone
  • Pencils

Related wikiHows

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